15th Annual Whale Picnic
June 30th, 2001

For the 15th year in a row, the annual Whale 4th of July picnic was held to celebrate the holiday! This year, due to the 4th falling on Wednesday, the picnic was held on the previous Saturday, June 30th.

As always, there was plenty of food, fun, and family to make the day yet another event to remember!

Since 80 people attended this year consisting of past musicians, friends, and family, the event was catered and included burgers, dogs, fried chicken, salads, deserts, a roasted pig, 12 pounds of steamed shrimp, and lots o' beer (but sodas for the kiddies)!!

Some images of the event are below......

Katie and Emily!
Diane and Kelli!
Kids Egg Toss!
Adult Egg Toss1
Down to 4 teams!
Hmm...what could we
do with this rope!
What's my prize!?
THIS is how it's held!
Here is comes!
Startin' it off

The crowd
Tent Talk
The Gang
Tractor Rides
All Decked out
Mimi checkin' it out
Baby Trey
Cane Sugar
Lightin' it up!
It's lit!